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Isabelle is no stranger to the principles of owning change, leading with purpose, and ruling the transformation game – these are the pillars of her journey toward a fearless life.
Change has been a constant companion throughout her life, often showing up uninvited. Domestic abuse, shattered her when subjected to physical, sexual, and mental abuse starting at the tender age of 12. The cruelty of bullying blindsided her in middle school when a classmate struck her simply out of dislike. A car accident led to surgery. Parenting a blended family proved challenging, with five out of six children diagnosed with ADHD and one additionally grappling with ODD, MDD, BPD, and schizophrenia. Her corporate career, spanning over two decades, met an abrupt end through restructuring – to name a few.
Today, she stands firm in her belief that no one has the power to bring her down unless she allows it. Drawing on three decades of experience, she combines street-smart wisdom with academic credentials. She embraces simplicity through the diverse abilities her children possess. She’s the Founder & Chief Reinvention Officer at ILV Consulting. She gives back to the community, serving on the Board of Directors and tackling homelessness, addictions, and mental health challenges.